Monday, September 20, 2010

about me...

hi, evryone..This is Pushpendra Soni...I'm bit mature now..'coz I'm married. I wanna lit up each room of my loving ones when I walk thru into it. My life is fill up totally frm strange things..smbody likes me..some not. I'm passionate bout my sketches..they r my life... my life is bit mysterious...... n I'm waitin for d last Horror...

In My Life...

I Hide 'coz I wanna be Missed..

I Go Alone 2 c who Follows..
I Get Angry 2 c who Apologises...

I let my heart b Broken 2 c who Comes & Fiixes it 4 me..

I Sit Alone 2 c who gives me Company..

I Walk Away 2 c who Calls me Back

Life is a Crazy..!!...n I Live it in a Crazy Way... 



Pushpendra Soni


Udaipur, Rajasthan 

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